Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
2.0.0-beta.8 (2024-12-13)
Bug Fixes
- react2: reset focus for dropdown select when text is removed (0cdf2de)
- webcomponent: keyboard navigation for multiselect (baffacd)
- webcomponent: keyboard spacing for multiselect (06bab84)
- webcomponents: add keyboard nav for multiselect (ca6dd30)
- webcomponents: arrow key press behavior is fixed for dropdown select (d0521be)
- webcomponents: dropdown select aria activedescendent set when keyboard navigation (97d2b56)
- webcomponents: dropdown select filtered options should be focused (366bb41)
- webcomponents: manage spacing char with autosuggestion (72449de)
- webcomponents: select correct filtered item after filtering (f03e264)
- webcomponents: should allow typing text in the input when isSearchable is true in dropdown-select (cbea485)
- css: active menu item is focus (c8acf7c)
- dropdown-select: add keyboard navigation support for react2 (7ed9e59)
- react2: add aria for dropdown select (bafe8ee)
- react2: implement aria for multiselect (31a30d7)
2.0.0-beta.7 (2024-10-22)
Bug Fixes
- css: #261 remove unecessary z-index prop (801366a)
- icon: prevent icons from breaking text flow by changing display to inline-flex #242 (6a4ed5c)
- icons: remove special characters in icon names (c3e9a54)
- slider: do not emit event when value property change #274 (fc2e048)
- webcomponent: aria for multiselect (423d92e)
- webcomponent: implement aria for dropdown select (40b9515)
- webcomponents: keyboard navigation for dropdown select (cfe09e6)
- webcomponents: keyboard navigation for multiselect (3195ff0)
- Revert "chore(repo): bump all framework output target packages for stencil" (9e4fa2d)
2.0.0-beta.6 (2024-09-23)
Bug Fixes
- webcomponent: fix dropdown select behaviour for autosuggest (c843ed3)
- webcomponent: fix multiselect with autosuggest (c97a1c2)
- webcomponent: implement new usecases (48277ae)
- webcomponent: multiselect open when filtering (e830034)
2.0.0-beta.5 (2024-09-19)
Bug Fixes
- react2: remove tooltip when clicking on dropdownSelect (f448528)
- website: fix artifactory wording (7ae76cf)
- css: center text of no datatable (3e5311f)
- css: change cusor for auto sugget input (96aaefd)
- react2: add autosuggest for multiselect (0f65ce6)
- react2: implement autosuggest for dropdown select (23d5f3d)
- web-components: implement autocomplete (3ca464b)
- webcomponent: add autosuggest for multiselect (41beed0)
- webcomponent: dropdown select autosuggest (de52ca7)
2.0.0-beta.4 (2024-08-07)
Bug Fixes
- datatable: update based on review comments (b5190bf)
- react2: multiselect not editable with pointer cursor (bd58533)
- react2: progress bar props must be optionals (1a8cdb7)
- datatable: support sizes for the datatableNoData container (b8e85d9)
- react2: add chevron icons in DropdownSelect (3fbdb26)
- react2: add chevron icons in Multiselect (48f1949)
- react2: add datatable (cef4a5f)
- react2: add datatable css (4c926bf)
- react2: add datatablebody (6554c65)
- react2: add datatablecell (d80eb9e)
- react2: add datatableheader (1ffd350)
- react2: add datatablenodata (5ff7beb)
- react2: add datatablerow (7cb9f56)
- react2: add sizes for datatableNoData (4f06fe6)
- tokens: add dark mode for datatable (ffc7c5e)
- webcomponents: add sizes for datatableNoData (cb9f905)
2.0.0-beta.3 (2024-07-10)
Bug Fixes
- datatable: change datatable file name (34e1259)
- css: add css for the margin density (6fd78fe)
- css: add horizonal scroll to datatable (0341cb7)
- css: build sizes and styles for data table component (025dc2e)
- css: implement completed datatable (7ccfc44)
- css: set default style to be flat (87a9943)
- css: WIP modify datatable-array style (e27ec81)
- dataTable: add tokens (00d7e03)
- repo: add the datatable-array-no-rows component (ee1dbfa)
- tokens: update datatable tokens (3abc384)
- tokens: update new tokens (ed7125e)
- web-components: implement a datatable-array and a datatable container components (a058e2c)
- web-components: use Host to create datatable components (177270d)
- web-component: WIP add datatable-cell (967438d)
- webcomponent: add roles for datable component (17c755a)
2.0.0-beta.2 (2024-07-01)
Bug Fixes
2.0.0-beta.1 (2024-06-28)
- multiselect: add custom render (f77b1ce)
2.0.0-beta.0 (2024-06-26)
Bug Fixes
- css: replace focus-within by focus to fix issue #251 (c11aa17)
- react: form field children rerender doesn't throw an error anymore (d57c4f8)
- react: form field children rerender doesn't throw an error anymore (1e73c78)
- react: grid children rerender doesn't throw an error anymore (3ca6495)
- react: menu item list and submenu item list children rerender doesn't throw an error anymore (eaad33d)
- react2: react implementation of the quantum lib components (290b58b)
1.4.0 (2024-02-20)
Bug Fixes
- dropdownSelect: fix react hook form problems (f18058c)
- web-components: fix dropdown select issues with options prop (26f2321)
- web-components: fix multiselect dynamic children (5f5693d)
- web-components: option by default in dropdown select must be active when using prop options (48d110d)
1.3.0 (2024-02-14)
- Revert "test(dropdownselect): update default value test" (3a18e63)
1.2.1 (2024-02-07)
Bug Fixes
- icons: render correctly icons by converting them from evenodd to non zero (c03b4aa)
- website: fix iconogrpahy buisness icons examples (51192f1)
1.2.0 (2024-02-06)
- icons: support new icons (074f456)
1.1.1 (2024-01-30)
Bug Fixes
1.1.0 (2024-01-25)
- css: add core metrics for doughnut component (3b64ecb)
- doughnut: display data labels (18ca4da)
- doughnut: implement dounught card css (1b53477)
- webcomponent: first implem of doughnut (f71586f)
1.0.1 (2023-11-15)
Bug Fixes
- website: fix the link to storybook from component card (34eb6fc)
1.0.0 (2023-09-25)
Bug Fixes
- preset: screen values should not be reference to tokens (becf0cf)
- tokens: replace radius none value by 0rem (6b900fc)
- website: remove unused dev handoff pages (2c31678)
- css: add border utilities (7aa1de8)
- presets: add border tokens (04905cd)
- tokens: add 2 blugrey colors and update lightblue 500 (85e873b)
- tokens: add border tokens (d6cdd68)
- tokens: bind padding top and bottom to spacing-s tokens (ec90ff8)
1.0.0-rc.5 (2023-09-18)
Note: Version bump only for package tds-web
1.0.0-rc.4 (2023-09-04)
Bug Fixes
- angular: update typings path into package.json (811a2b3)
1.0.0-rc.3 (2023-09-01)
- dropdown-select: add disabled property to dropdown-select-option component (147490d)
1.0.0-rc.2 (2023-08-25)
Bug Fixes
- dropdown-select: Update Dropdown select option elements state when the value changed and an option is clicked #163 (89895e2)
1.0.0-rc.1 (2023-07-27)
Bug Fixes
1.0.0-rc.0 (2023-07-05)
Bug Fixes
- button: button outline border must not visible under a dropdown overlay (ae051f7)
- button: click event binded to the button element #75 (b13022f)
- button: fix outline pressed background color (f94d390)
- button: update disabled tokens (1521fc4)
- dropdown-select: dropdown select width equal to 100% of its container (522d402)
- examples: add fonts and icons to angular v13 tailwind example (64d3523)
- button: a semantic button in a dropdown should have a pressed style when a dropdown is visible (6478034)
- button: add semantic colors success/warning/danger for filled and outline buttons in css (a61bf93)
- button: label color for success/warning/danger should be bluegrey-900 in darkmode (949f417)
- button: rename qtm-btn class by qtm-button (54b5dfb)
- button: replace white color by inverted for ghost button (c576b00)
- button: sementic colors danger/warning/success implementation for react/vue/angular and web components + update storybooks (e6fb438)
- button: support props attribute as a stringified object (67d888a)
- tokens: new button tokens for success/warning/danger colors (5c9221a)
1.0.0-beta.30 (2023-06-26)
Breacking Changes
- textarea: replace id by inputId + update documentation (8c6b5866)
- tabs: update tabDirection to tabItemDirection and add icon, iconPosition and label properties for tab component (1d512908)
- breadcrumbs: neutral property is deprecated replaced by the color prop (e3956ea7)
Bug Fixes
- angular: update path of typings to dist/qtm-angular.d.ts #144 (7f50899)
- button: fix disabled state of a button. Ref: #129 (64d11b4)
- css: the tab cannot be shrinkable (744ef20)
- modal: update open prop of the modal when its closed button is clicked. Ref #133 (7fdca27)
- alert: add neutral severity (9152c8b)
- button: add props property for webcomponents/react/angular/vue + update storybook (d943a7e)
- drawer: support small, medium and large sizes (dd3c7f4)
- dropdown-select: add focus (28ee055)
- dropdown-select: add focus and blur events to dropdown select component (42c90fd)
- dropdown-select: add two new properties to dropdown select: scrollable and nvVisibleOptions (b705284)
- multiselect: add focus and blur event to multiselect component (b0ca943)
- progress-bar: add showValue, a new property to progress bar component (2fbe58d)
- textarea: add blur and focus events (f597ece)
- textinput: add blur and focus method + update storybook (12da43c)
- toggle-switch: add inputId and name to toggle switch component (be8459d)
- tokens: support sementic colors + renaming primary to blue (c7e5533)
- web-component: add dropDown name and inputId (fc5a146)
- web-components: inputId and name added to multiselect (ae19776)
1.0.0-beta.29 (2023-05-26)
Version 1.0.0-beta.29 has breaking changes. Please check the documentation in order to migrate to this version.
-> Update component properties based on figma properties in order to achieve consistency between design and dev. Those components are impacted:
- Text area
- Text input
- Tag
- Toggle switch
- Dropdown select
- Button
- Checkbox
- Radio button
- Tooltip
Breaking Changes
- dropdown-select: rename method selectedOption with valueChanged (b8e16b8), (4691a5a)
- textarea: change state to severity prop (585ae50)
- text input: add left icon, right icon and severity attributes (ddd92ee)
- toggle switch: update iconOn, iconOff and labelPosition (5c6fa9d)
- tooltip Rename direction property to tipPosition (48b09154)
Bug Fixes
- icons: add display flex to align icons (ea92a98)
- web-components: set new value to textarea value by using value property (ae9420f)
- button: add new properties leftIcon, rightIcon and label to button component (107eb73)
- checkbox: add label attribute (deaa65c)
- icons: add 7 new icons (29e193b)
- radio-button: add label attribute (2390d2c)
- tag: add new properties to tag: dismissible, icon and label (7f12cd3)
- text-input: text-input icons can be an object with format IconType (5b585a9)
- website: keep only last 10 versions as it is recommended by docusaurus (d9370ff)
1.0.0-beta.28 (2023-04-18)
Bug Fixes
- examples: add icons and fonts in index.html for create-react-app-tailwind example (7dc8078)
- menu-item: replace toggle item event by collapseChanged + update storybooks (bd5b48f)
- menu-item-list: active a submenu item when activeId prop is set with the submenu item id (fd414b8)
- menu-item-list: add a disableAutoActive property (def6245)
- menu-item-list: add activeId prop in menu-item-list to control active state of menu-items (66ad880)
- menu-item-list: add clickItem event (6b66fd9)
- menu-item-list: add collapsedIds property (ca4e3e5)
- menu-item-list: add collapsedIdsChanged event (a6a2427)
- menu-item-list: display menu-item and sub-menu-item through the items property (a8ab095)
- menu-item-list: emit a callback activeIdChanged when activeId prop is updated (3349f75)
- menu-item-list: for menu-item-list with items prop, right icon should switch from up to down (302b656)
- menu-item-list: handle active state of an item when it is clicked (37b2037)
- menu-item-list: replace disableAutoActive by enableAutoActive + remove errors thrown in case no id provided to be compatible with previous versions (7fdc8a5)
1.0.0-beta.27 (2023-03-24)
Bug Fixes
- angular: fix package.json entry files with tds prefix replaced by qtm (f875878)
- website: fix crash on SSR (6dfa026)
1.0.0-beta.26 (2023-03-20)
Bug Fixes
1.0.0-beta.25 (2023-03-07)
Bug Fixes
- icons: create business icons library from figma svgs (06fa5ea)
- icons: update qtm-icon component to support business icon library (5b9eb0e)
- web-components: add size for dropdown-select (8f75569)
- website: add business icons into css doc (43f3001)
1.0.0-beta.24 (2023-02-21)
Breaking Changes
scope is deprecated. It has been replaced by@qtm
scope. For example, to install the angular library you have to run the command
npm i @qtm/angular
- prefix tds has been changed by qtm.
- For Angular, Vue and web components
components must be replaced by<qtm-xxx>
) - For React,
must be replaced by<QtmXXX>
Bug Fixes
- css: set a filled primary button as a default button (9524d33)
- alert: support high-emphasis action buttons (8ff4f98)
- button: add white color to button component (876a8df)
1.0.0-beta.23 (2023-02-15)
Bug Fixes
- tailwind-preset: remove tokens peer dependencies (5042a2e)