Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
2.0.0-beta.8 (2024-12-13)
Bug Fixes
- react2: reset focus for dropdown select when text is removed (0cdf2de)
- webcomponent: keyboard navigation for multiselect (baffacd)
- webcomponent: keyboard spacing for multiselect (06bab84)
- webcomponents: add keyboard nav for multiselect (ca6dd30)
- webcomponents: arrow key press behavior is fixed for dropdown select (d0521be)
- webcomponents: dropdown select aria activedescendent set when keyboard navigation (97d2b56)
- webcomponents: dropdown select filtered options should be focused (366bb41)
- webcomponents: manage spacing char with autosuggestion (72449de)
- webcomponents: select correct filtered item after filtering (f03e264)
- webcomponents: should allow typing text in the input when isSearchable is true in dropdown-select (cbea485)
- css: active menu item is focus (c8acf7c)
- dropdown-select: add keyboard navigation support for react2 (7ed9e59)
- react2: add aria for dropdown select (bafe8ee)
- react2: implement aria for multiselect (31a30d7)
2.0.0-beta.7 (2024-10-22)
Bug Fixes
- css: #261 remove unecessary z-index prop (801366a)
- icon: prevent icons from breaking text flow by changing display to inline-flex #242 (6a4ed5c)
- icons: remove special characters in icon names (c3e9a54)
- slider: do not emit event when value property change #274 (fc2e048)
- webcomponent: aria for multiselect (423d92e)
- webcomponent: implement aria for dropdown select (40b9515)
- webcomponents: keyboard navigation for dropdown select (cfe09e6)
- webcomponents: keyboard navigation for multiselect (3195ff0)
- Revert "chore(repo): bump all framework output target packages for stencil" (9e4fa2d)
2.0.0-beta.6 (2024-09-23)
Bug Fixes
- webcomponent: fix dropdown select behaviour for autosuggest (c843ed3)
- webcomponent: fix multiselect with autosuggest (c97a1c2)
- webcomponent: implement new usecases (48277ae)
- webcomponent: multiselect open when filtering (e830034)
2.0.0-beta.5 (2024-09-19)
Bug Fixes
- react2: remove tooltip when clicking on dropdownSelect (f448528)
- website: fix artifactory wording (7ae76cf)
- css: center text of no datatable (3e5311f)
- css: change cusor for auto sugget input (96aaefd)
- react2: add autosuggest for multiselect (0f65ce6)
- react2: implement autosuggest for dropdown select (23d5f3d)
- web-components: implement autocomplete (3ca464b)
- webcomponent: add autosuggest for multiselect (41beed0)
- webcomponent: dropdown select autosuggest (de52ca7)
2.0.0-beta.4 (2024-08-07)
Bug Fixes
- datatable: update based on review comments (b5190bf)
- react2: multiselect not editable with pointer cursor (bd58533)
- react2: progress bar props must be optionals (1a8cdb7)
- datatable: support sizes for the datatableNoData container (b8e85d9)
- react2: add chevron icons in DropdownSelect (3fbdb26)
- react2: add chevron icons in Multiselect (48f1949)
- react2: add datatable (cef4a5f)
- react2: add datatable css (4c926bf)
- react2: add datatablebody (6554c65)
- react2: add datatablecell (d80eb9e)
- react2: add datatableheader (1ffd350)
- react2: add datatablenodata (5ff7beb)
- react2: add datatablerow (7cb9f56)
- react2: add sizes for datatableNoData (4f06fe6)
- tokens: add dark mode for datatable (ffc7c5e)
- webcomponents: add sizes for datatableNoData (cb9f905)
2.0.0-beta.3 (2024-07-10)
Bug Fixes
- datatable: change datatable file name (34e1259)
- css: add css for the margin density (6fd78fe)
- css: add horizonal scroll to datatable (0341cb7)
- css: build sizes and styles for data table component (025dc2e)
- css: implement completed datatable (7ccfc44)
- css: set default style to be flat (87a9943)
- css: WIP modify datatable-array style (e27ec81)
- dataTable: add tokens (00d7e03)
- repo: add the datatable-array-no-rows component (ee1dbfa)
- tokens: update datatable tokens (3abc384)
- tokens: update new tokens (ed7125e)
- web-components: implement a datatable-array and a datatable container components (a058e2c)
- web-components: use Host to create datatable components (177270d)
- web-component: WIP add datatable-cell (967438d)
- webcomponent: add roles for datable component (17c755a)
2.0.0-beta.2 (2024-07-01)
Bug Fixes
2.0.0-beta.1 (2024-06-28)
- multiselect: add custom render (f77b1ce)
2.0.0-beta.0 (2024-06-26)
Bug Fixes
- css: replace focus-within by focus to fix issue #251 (c11aa17)
- react: form field children rerender doesn't throw an error anymore (d57c4f8)
- react: form field children rerender doesn't throw an error anymore (1e73c78)
- react: grid children rerender doesn't throw an error anymore (3ca6495)
- react: menu item list and submenu item list children rerender doesn't throw an error anymore (eaad33d)
- react2: react implementation of the quantum lib components (290b58b)
1.4.0 (2024-02-20)
Bug Fixes
- dropdownSelect: fix react hook form problems (f18058c)
- web-components: fix dropdown select issues with options prop (26f2321)
- web-components: fix multiselect dynamic children (5f5693d)
- web-components: option by default in dropdown select must be active when using prop options (48d110d)
1.3.0 (2024-02-14)
- Revert "test(dropdownselect): update default value test" (3a18e63)
1.2.1 (2024-02-07)
Bug Fixes
- icons: render correctly icons by converting them from evenodd to non zero (c03b4aa)
- website: fix iconogrpahy buisness icons examples (51192f1)
1.2.0 (2024-02-06)
- icons: support new icons (074f456)
1.1.1 (2024-01-30)
Bug Fixes
1.1.0 (2024-01-25)
- css: add core metrics for doughnut component (3b64ecb)
- doughnut: display data labels (18ca4da)
- doughnut: implement dounught card css (1b53477)
- webcomponent: first implem of doughnut (f71586f)
1.0.1 (2023-11-15)
Bug Fixes
- website: fix the link to storybook from component card (34eb6fc)
1.0.0 (2023-09-25)
Bug Fixes
- preset: screen values should not be reference to tokens (becf0cf)
- tokens: replace radius none value by 0rem (6b900fc)
- website: remove unused dev handoff pages (2c31678)
- css: add border utilities (7aa1de8)
- presets: add border tokens (04905cd)
- tokens: add 2 blugrey colors and update lightblue 500 (85e873b)
- tokens: add border tokens (d6cdd68)
- tokens: bind padding top and bottom to spacing-s tokens (ec90ff8)
1.0.0-rc.5 (2023-09-18)
Note: Version bump only for package tds-web
1.0.0-rc.4 (2023-09-04)
Bug Fixes
- angular: update typings path into package.json (811a2b3)
1.0.0-rc.3 (2023-09-01)
- dropdown-select: add disabled property to dropdown-select-option component (147490d)
1.0.0-rc.2 (2023-08-25)
Bug Fixes
- dropdown-select: Update Dropdown select option elements state when the value changed and an option is clicked #163 (89895e2)
1.0.0-rc.1 (2023-07-27)
Bug Fixes
1.0.0-rc.0 (2023-07-05)
Bug Fixes
- button: button outline border must not visible under a dropdown overlay (ae051f7)
- button: click event binded to the button element #75 (b13022f)
- button: fix outline pressed background color (f94d390)
- button: update disabled tokens (1521fc4)
- dropdown-select: dropdown select width equal to 100% of its container (522d402)
- examples: add fonts and icons to angular v13 tailwind example (64d3523)
- button: a semantic button in a dropdown should have a pressed style when a dropdown is visible (6478034)
- button: add semantic colors success/warning/danger for filled and outline buttons in css (a61bf93)
- button: label color for success/warning/danger should be bluegrey-900 in darkmode (949f417)
- button: rename qtm-btn class by qtm-button (54b5dfb)
- button: replace white color by inverted for ghost button (c576b00)
- button: sementic colors danger/warning/success implementation for react/vue/angular and web components + update storybooks (e6fb438)
- button: support props attribute as a stringified object (67d888a)
- tokens: new button tokens for success/warning/danger colors (5c9221a)
1.0.0-beta.30 (2023-06-26)
Breacking Changes
- textarea: replace id by inputId + update documentation (8c6b5866)
- tabs: update tabDirection to tabItemDirection and add icon, iconPosition and label properties for tab component (1d512908)
- breadcrumbs: neutral property is deprecated replaced by the color prop (e3956ea7)
Bug Fixes
- angular: update path of typings to dist/qtm-angular.d.ts #144 (7f50899)
- button: fix disabled state of a button. Ref: #129 (64d11b4)
- css: the tab cannot be shrinkable (744ef20)
- modal: update open prop of the modal when its closed button is clicked. Ref #133 (7fdca27)
- alert: add neutral severity (9152c8b)
- button: add props property for webcomponents/react/angular/vue + update storybook (d943a7e)
- drawer: support small, medium and large sizes (dd3c7f4)
- dropdown-select: add focus (28ee055)
- dropdown-select: add focus and blur events to dropdown select component (42c90fd)
- dropdown-select: add two new properties to dropdown select: scrollable and nvVisibleOptions (b705284)
- multiselect: add focus and blur event to multiselect component (b0ca943)
- progress-bar: add showValue, a new property to progress bar component (2fbe58d)
- textarea: add blur and focus events (f597ece)
- textinput: add blur and focus method + update storybook (12da43c)
- toggle-switch: add inputId and name to toggle switch component (be8459d)
- tokens: support sementic colors + renaming primary to blue (c7e5533)
- web-component: add dropDown name and inputId (fc5a146)
- web-components: inputId and name added to multiselect (ae19776)
1.0.0-beta.29 (2023-05-26)
Version 1.0.0-beta.29 has breaking changes. Please check the documentation in order to migrate to this version.
-> Update component properties based on figma properties in order to achieve consistency between design and dev. Those components are impacted:
- Text area
- Text input
- Tag
- Toggle switch
- Dropdown select
- Button
- Checkbox
- Radio button
- Tooltip
Breaking Changes
- dropdown-select: rename method selectedOption with valueChanged (b8e16b8), (4691a5a)
- textarea: change state to severity prop (585ae50)
- text input: add left icon, right icon and severity attributes (ddd92ee)
- toggle switch: update iconOn, iconOff and labelPosition (5c6fa9d)
- tooltip Rename direction property to tipPosition (48b09154)
Bug Fixes
- icons: add display flex to align icons (ea92a98)
- web-components: set new value to textarea value by using value property (ae9420f)
- button: add new properties leftIcon, rightIcon and label to button component (107eb73)
- checkbox: add label attribute (deaa65c)
- icons: add 7 new icons (29e193b)
- radio-button: add label attribute (2390d2c)
- tag: add new properties to tag: dismissible, icon and label (7f12cd3)
- text-input: text-input icons can be an object with format IconType (5b585a9)
- website: keep only last 10 versions as it is recommended by docusaurus (d9370ff)
1.0.0-beta.28 (2023-04-18)
Bug Fixes
- examples: add icons and fonts in index.html for create-react-app-tailwind example (7dc8078)
- menu-item: replace toggle item event by collapseChanged + update storybooks (bd5b48f)
- menu-item-list: active a submenu item when activeId prop is set with the submenu item id (fd414b8)
- menu-item-list: add a disableAutoActive property (def6245)
- menu-item-list: add activeId prop in menu-item-list to control active state of menu-items (66ad880)
- menu-item-list: add clickItem event (6b66fd9)
- menu-item-list: add collapsedIds property (ca4e3e5)
- menu-item-list: add collapsedIdsChanged event (a6a2427)
- menu-item-list: display menu-item and sub-menu-item through the items property (a8ab095)
- menu-item-list: emit a callback activeIdChanged when activeId prop is updated (3349f75)
- menu-item-list: for menu-item-list with items prop, right icon should switch from up to down (302b656)
- menu-item-list: handle active state of an item when it is clicked (37b2037)
- menu-item-list: replace disableAutoActive by enableAutoActive + remove errors thrown in case no id provided to be compatible with previous versions (7fdc8a5)
1.0.0-beta.27 (2023-03-24)
Bug Fixes
- angular: fix package.json entry files with tds prefix replaced by qtm (f875878)
- website: fix crash on SSR (6dfa026)
1.0.0-beta.26 (2023-03-20)
Bug Fixes
1.0.0-beta.25 (2023-03-07)
Bug Fixes
- icons: create business icons library from figma svgs (06fa5ea)
- icons: update qtm-icon component to support business icon library (5b9eb0e)
- web-components: add size for dropdown-select (8f75569)
- website: add business icons into css doc (43f3001)
1.0.0-beta.24 (2023-02-21)
Breaking Changes
scope is deprecated. It has been replaced by@qtm
scope. For example, to install the angular library you have to run the command
npm i @qtm/angular
- prefix tds has been changed by qtm.
- For Angular, Vue and web components
components must be replaced by<qtm-xxx>
) - For React,
must be replaced by<QtmXXX>
Bug Fixes
- css: set a filled primary button as a default button (9524d33)
- alert: support high-emphasis action buttons (8ff4f98)
- button: add white color to button component (876a8df)
1.0.0-beta.23 (2023-02-15)
Bug Fixes
- tailwind-preset: remove tokens peer dependencies (5042a2e)
- alert: support of dark mode (c93cdaa)
1.0.0-beta.22 (2023-02-10)
Breaking Change
In this version, the utilities.css file has been reworked. Only utility classes related to Background color, Text color, Font family, Font size, Font weight, Margin, Padding and Shadow have been kept.
More info about quantum utilities
For people who was using other utility classes like flex, flex-col, we recommend to install tailwind with our Quantum configuration.
More info about tailwind migration
Bug Fixes
- alert: add alert component for css/anngular/react/vue/webcomponent + doc (5189824)
- alert: support light mode tokens for alert component (25e286d)
1.0.0-beta.21 (2023-01-12)
Bug Fixes
- header: remove default overflow hidden by default to support dropdown overlay (18cc9b6)
- header: add header in small, medium and large (68e1a49)
1.0.0-beta.20 (2023-01-03)
Bug Fixes
- css: fix border color of input the focused text-input is on error/warning state (07ca8b4)
- divider: fix height of vertical divider (e83ecef)
- dropdown-select: fix default value to be displayed at first render (5c5d620)
- slider: update slider tokens in dark mode and modify slider docs (a4da0bb)
- split button: fix bug when clicking on trigger after having clicked on outside (961b48c)
- split-button: overlay must be removed when clicking on action button (c5b0b44)
- storybook: change icon's name from checked to check in stories (59275a2)
- web-components: change tds-multiselect event's name (2b24079)
- web-components: set @watch value prop to tds-multiselect component in order to control this prop (24fcff4)
- css: add min height prop to menu-items (642ba0a)
- divider: divider component for css/angular/vue/web component + docs (c19d891)
- split button: implement split button for css/angular/react/vue/web component + doc (a56091e)
- split button: implement split button for css/angular/react/vue/web component + doc (ceb5ea9)
1.0.0-beta.19 (2022-12-14)
Bug Fixes
- docs: fix typo in modal component website documentation (d31524e)
- dropdown: fix style of dropdown trigger of a dropdown whose overlay is visible (604c2c1)
- dropdown-select: Allow to unselect values + new value must be taken into account (1a654d2)
- storybook: add utilities.css to be able to use the classes into the component property (8e81f8f)
- slider: slider component for angular, react, vue, web component + docs (6225d57)
1.0.0-beta.18 (2022-10-20)
Bug Fixes
- angular: add web component deps (a51cce5)
- css: add background color to drawer (54b5bda)
- multiselect: rename change event to valueChanged (1a35583)
1.0.0-beta.17 (2022-10-17)
The release has two major changes.
- All our css classes have been prefixed by
. - The secondary color has been replaced by the lightblue color.
If you use the css in your projet, the migration to 1.0.0-beta.17 implies to add the prefix qtm-
to all classes and replace the secondary color by lightblue.
Bug Fixes
- angular: import the angular module using @tds/angular instead of @tds/angular/dist (27342a0) (5fd8f28)
Breaking changes
1.0.0-beta.16 (2022-09-30)
Bug Fixes
- buttons: Ghost buttons are broken in React (2e2b083)
- css: fix color of menu-item-list in drawer (1aceee4)
- css: fix color of submenu-item et menu-item-label (6002686)
- css: fix disabled/focused toggle switch (5c061ab)
- css: fix ring's offset of focused checkbox (189edb4)
- css: remove color-primary-100 from checked symbol in pressed checked/indeterminate checkbox (a3c15a6)
- menu: remove height prop from menu-item-label and submenu-item (cfe09c9)
- web-components: add class disabled to the toggle switch label (d3d9536)
- css: change icons color in text input (11b992d)
- progress-bar: progress bar component for angular/reat/vue/web-component + doc (a09a32d)
1.0.0-beta.15 (2022-09-09)
- angular: add value-accessors for dropdown-select (8a7d91b)
- angular: add value-accessors for multiselect (99ad35e)
- angular: support of valueaccessors for tds-text-input and tds-textarea components (43b5080)
- angular: support value accesors for toggle switch component (d9015ec)
- checkbox: support of value accessor for angular and add the valueChanged event (1aac455)
- radioGroup: support value accessors for angular (855dcfa)
- textarea: add value prop to manage default value and support value accessors (f766a93)