Buttons are the primary components for displaying actions on a page. They are often referenced as Call To Actions (CTA/C2A).
Filled button
Solid buttons are the main call to action on any page.
Filled action
<button class="qtm-button qtm-filled qtm-primary">Filled action</button>
Filled buttons are available in 4 colors: primary, success, warning and danger.
Primary Filled action
Success Filled action
Warning Filled action
Danger Filled action
<button class="qtm-button qtm-filled qtm-primary">Primary Filled action</button>
<button class="qtm-button qtm-filled qtm-success">Success Filled action</button>
<button class="qtm-button qtm-filled qtm-warning">Warning Filled action</button>
<button class="qtm-button qtm-filled qtm-danger">Danger Filled action</button>
Outline button
Outline buttons are for secondary call to actions on any page.
Outline action
<button class="qtm-button qtm-outline qtm-primary">Outline action</button>
Outline buttons are available in 5 colors: primary, neutral, success, warning and danger.
Primary Outline action
Neutral Outline action
Success Outline action
Warning Outline action
Danger Outline action
<button class="qtm-button qtm-outline qtm-primary">Primary Outline action</button>
<button class="qtm-button qtm-outline qtm-neutral">Neutral Outline action</button>
<button class="qtm-button qtm-outline qtm-success">Success Outline action</button>
<button class="qtm-button qtm-outline qtm-warning">Warning Outline action</button>
<button class="qtm-button qtm-outline qtm-danger">Danger Outline action</button>
Ghost button
Ghost buttons are for miscellaneous actions on any page.
Ghost action
<button class="qtm-button qtm-ghost qtm-primary">Ghost action</button>
Ghost buttons are available in three colors: primary, neutral and inverted.
Primary Ghost action
<button class="qtm-button qtm-ghost qtm-primary">Primary Ghost action</button>
Neutral Ghost action
<button class="qtm-button qtm-ghost qtm-neutral">Neutral Ghost action</button>
Inverted Ghost action
<button class="qtm-button qtm-ghost qtm-inverted">Inverted Ghost action</button>
Disable state
Filled action
Outline action
Primary Ghost action
Neutral Ghost action
<button class="qtm-button qtm-filled qtm-primary" disabled>Filled action</button>
<button class="qtm-button qtm-outline qtm-primary" disabled>Outline action</button>
<button class="qtm-button qtm-ghost qtm-primary" disabled>
Primary Ghost action
<button class="qtm-button qtm-ghost qtm-neutral" disabled>
Neutral Ghost action
<button class="qtm-button qtm-small">Small</button>
<button class="qtm-button qtm-medium">Medium</button>
<button class="qtm-button qtm-large">Large</button>
<button class="qtm-button qtm-xlarge">Xlarge</button>
Text and icon in button
<button class="qtm-button qtm-small">
<i class="material-icons qtm-icon">account_circle</i>
<button class="qtm-button qtm-medium">
<i class="material-icons qtm-icon">account_circle</i>
<button class="qtm-button qtm-large">
<i class="material-icons qtm-icon">account_circle</i>
<button class="qtm-button qtm-xlarge">
<i class="material-icons qtm-icon">account_circle</i>
Icon in button
<button class="qtm-button qtm-small">
<i class="material-icons qtm-icon">account_circle</i>
<button class="qtm-button qtm-medium">
<i class="material-icons qtm-icon">account_circle</i>
<button class="qtm-button qtm-large">
<i class="material-icons qtm-icon">account_circle</i>
<button class="qtm-button qtm-xlarge">
<i class="material-icons qtm-icon">account_circle</i>